Sunday, December 12, 2010

the secret ingredient is.....

and the answer is
oh yeahh.
so, yeah.
selamat bercuti.

ha, tau tak,
the secret ingredient for a greattt recipe is
the one and only

saya dah fail masak chocolate chip cookies.
lupa letak secret ingredient ni.
senang pon tak letak.
kecewa betul!

kepada jurumasak rumah tersayang
jurumasak tiramisu cake yang sanggaattt sedap,
sekalung2 tahniah diucapkann.
anda memang hebat sebab saya tengok berbaldi2 anda letak secret ingredient tu.
anda memang terhebatt lahh.

tapi, still la kena letak benda2 macam
dan semua rempah ratus macam
keringat usaha belajar (not the literal keringat laa. heh.)
dan mengambil nota memasak

sekali lagi para pelajar IB sekalian,
selamat bercuti!
oh yeahhh.


Friday, December 10, 2010

aiskrim maksu? >.<"

rata2 rakyat kolej mara banting akan menulis tentang kehidupan IB sepanjang semester 3.
menarik, sangat menarik tengok semua orang buat refleksi kan.
kawan2, jerit perih hidup.
seronok laa
seronok tengok semua orang seronok.

tanya saya?
sem 3 keseluruhannya tak memberi kesan sangat awal2 tu tapi pada penghujung2 nak dekat exam.
banyak la benda best jadi.
banyak yang dipelajari.
agak banyak laa..
banyak yang saya belajar dari segi kepentingan untuk mengubah sikap (classmate saya mungkin lebih faham)

tapi tu la, kalau keep on working hard, tapi tadak direction nak buat apa.
kerja penat2 buat homework semua tapi tak sempat nak bernafas dan tak faham apa guna?

counter claim
tapi still kita berusaha dan semua tu Allah tengok.
so, buat ja la.
at least kita buat.
iya tak??

tapi tak syok laa buat tak faham apa.
tapi kalau tak buat langsung lagi tadak guna.
tapi kena usaha la bagi rasa best apa yang kita buat.

seringkali menghadapi dilema sebegini rupa.

oh, sem 3, kawan2 jangan cakap laa. memang kanal la yang mana satu kawan. kot?

namun, daripada keep on fikir benda yang kita tak tau, penat2 perah otak fikir benda2 tak pasti dan yang kita tadak kuasa nak ubah, yang hanya Allah yang tau, baik p buat benda2 yang elok yang pasti yang apa Creator kita suruh buat.
buat apa yang kita disuruh buat oleh Allah.
tu ja.
fikir penat2 benda tak perlu tak guna pon.
macam well, benda2 yang tak perlu diperdebatkan.
tapi jangan tak fikir benda yang perlu kita fikir.
rugi la dapat akal.
baik bagi kucing ka, cipan ka, lagi baik.
boleh gak diorang bina tamadun bawah tanah.
cukup masa, conquer semua manusia yang tak bersyukur dengan akal.
camna nak syukur dengan akal?
guna. dalam landasan yang betul.
camna nak syukur dengan masa?
isikan dengan benda yang betul.

tapi bagi saya, sayaa tak sabar2 nak masuk sem 4.
tak tau laa kenapa.
mungkin tak sabar2 nak membesar.
mungkin juga, tak sabar2 nak start belajar.
mungkin juga saya sangat rindu koop dan segala yang berkaitan seperti aiskrim maksu?

kalau nak mati dalam keadaan baik, kena la isi dengan benda baik sepanjang masa.
kalau nak mati clubbing. well, enough said.
yo, i wanna kill youu man!
sure, kill me when i'm going to class nanti boleh takk?
yeah sure,
enough said people,
enough said.

argument saya macam pelajar ib takk?
balanced? =p
p/s: masih berharap2 nak pergi bercuttii. pleasseee sayyy yesss, pleasseeee pleeeeaaasseeeee.

hujan dan keselesaan.


maka sudah berlalu 3 hari cuti, maka jika dilihat kembali, maka ada certain2 misi selesai, maka banyak yang masih belum selesai.
misi mengemas semakin selesai.

cepat ja masa berlau waktu cuti perasannn takkk?
kalau waktu cuti, memang tak ingat haribulan berapa. ingatt harii ja.

sangat suka cuti.
kalau sapa2 yang pandai, guna untuk organise balik hidup.
bukan senang nak organise balik hidup.
align balik hidup elok2.
bukan senang
guna masa baik2.

sila sila sila jangan buat kerja last minute.
dah banyak experience, so jangan ulang kesalahan.

dan paling penting kawan2,
bukan takat kerja ja jangan buat last minute,
hidup pun, jangan laaa hidup last minute.
jangan hidup dengan kehidupan sebenar pada masa2 terakhir.
if you get what i mean.
v v important for us NOT to live life at the eleventh hour.
(??) okay2 tak pandai explain tapi faham2 lahh kann.

oh, i love my home soo much.
remind me how things are when i was a little kid.
entah lah
i just feel the love atmosphere when i'm at home, with my family.
(well, minus part2 yang selalu kena marahh)
apart from that, home is the only place that'll make me feel safe and secure.

so, next time
kalau nak bagi birthday present,
bawak saya balik rumah saya..
i'll love you forever lahh!

lagi satu lagi satu.
harii ni macam baruu sedarrr apa2 pon dalam dunia ni boleh jadi nikmat.
apa2 ja. macam hujan. bangun pagi dan menghirup udara pagi dan keupayaan membaca buku waktu pagi (??)

one incident that happened today was,
well, i went to the market with my grandfather and my cousin and my sister
it rains and we have to wait and wait some more and well, sangat tak best.
but, tu lah, we never realise that if such incident never happen,
hidup kita akan jadi sangat bosan dan kita
tidakkk akann belajar erti

satu lagi,
bayak gila iklan tv 3 (me)
biarla, diorang bayar mahal untuk iklan tu. (my cousin)
dann ini,
incident ini telah mengajar saya erti

dan buat apa2 dalam hidup, sila faham apa yang anda buat.
apa2 ja lah. tengok movie ka analyse la.
berfikir dengan apa2 yang kita buat.

tengok cerita pirate of the cacarribean,
sila sedar yang masa dia ayun2 kapal tu, dia guna concept inertia.
(cousin saya)
coollll kannn??

so, apa ilmu hidup yang anda belajar hari ini?
care to sharree?

p/s: tengok movie ramai2 dan analyse apa yang kita tengok pon, rasanya mcam nikmat ja. apa pendapat anda? haha =p
tapi bila dah kena marahhh kena masukk tiduurr dah macammm. aissyey mannn!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Projek Maal Hijrah


kau tau tak ak dilema sangat2 sekarang ni.

ak pon taktau nak mula kat mana.
kau tauu takk ak jalan mana2 ak nampak a gurl and a guy jalan sekali.
kalau kau tengok muka ak time tu sure punya kau kata
"kau keempunan kaan tengok kitorang berkasih sayang nii!haha padan muka"
macam mana ak nak cakap ni ek..
well, ak ingat nak mencarut-carut tetapi memandangkan azam maal hijrah ak adalah untuk tidak bercakap benda2 yang negative. so, yeahh..
but still,

whatt theeeeee..... (just that, no continuation)

benda ni kawan2 bukan masalah korang ja tau takk.
yang paling ak kisah sekali adalah bukan bab2 anda semua nak jalan 2 2 orang comel2 macam tu.
masalah yang ak sangat concern adalah masalah ak.


ya, ak memang pentingkan diri.

ak tak tau lahh. ak bukan baik pon, so bagi ak, korang kawan ak la.
sebab tu ak jadi sangat segan bila nampak.
dan ak tak cakap apa2.
tak bermakna ak cakap yes dengan apa yang kau buat.

kadang2 ak rasa macam.
well, sampai hati korang tinggal ak sorang2 macam ni.
korang tak sayang ak ka.
ak rasa tersisih.
kau tauu takkk. sedih!
kau buat ak macam ni, tingal ak sorang2 yang sama jantina dengan kau lepas tu p jalan dengan orang lain yang lain jantina.
dan sekali lagi ak macam nak mencarut-carut.
tapi bendanya.
ak agak sayang dan treasure persahabatan kita.
kau tau. tak
ak sayang kau.
kau, kau dan kau sekali. dan semua2 kau yang sama jantina dengan ak.

pernah jadi ak buat benda yang ak sedar salah. dan ak menyesal
dan ak sedar apa ak buat salah. sebab ak sedar sendiri.
dan ak bertaubat tak nak buat dah.
bukan bab2 ni ja, it applies to almost everything.
so sapa bagitao ak salah dan ak kena berubah?

kadang2 ada la kawan2 tapi mostly
ILMU yang bagitau ak.
so, faham tak point ak sekarang. ak tak cakap apa2 sangat supaya ak harap semua orang yang buat benda2 salah ni sedar sendiri dengan kefahaman ilmu yang ada.
supaya effect dia long-lasting.
kalau nak cakap korang tak tau
tipu lahhhh
adik ak pon boleh cakap,
ey, duduk dua dua orang lelaki dan perempuan bukan tak boleh ka.

ak cakap. kalau dah kahwin takpa.
diorang dah kahwin tu kot.
kau tak kesian adik ak dan adik2 kau tunjuk duduk lelaki perempuan tu baik.
kau tak kesian kaa..

entah. ak tak tau nak elaborate apa.
sebab ak faham ja. ak banyak terperangkap dalam situasi yang ak tak suka dan orang tengok ak semacam.
eww. kau ingat kau baik buat macam tu?
so yeah. i lotally understand if you're trapped ka what not.
tapi, ni macam tak. kau tak desperate nak duduk dalam situation yang macam tu.
well, only Allah knows right?

serious ak dilema sekarang.
ak jahat kot. ak jahat sangat. sebab tu ak tak berani nak cakap hal2 yang berkaitan benda yang macam baik sikit ni.
kalau kau orang ingat ak jenis orang yang sangat pemalu, duduk diam2 tepi corner tak cakap langsung dengan budak2 lain jantina.
kau memang salah orang lahh.
ak giggle2 gila2 jugak selalu.
tu la. ak tau salah gelak lebih2 ni.
see, ak jahat. duh.
tolong la ak berubah.

tapi ada pulak counter claim dia
orang cakap benda tak baik kena tegur
kalau tidak nanti dia claim kat akhirat
kenapa tak tegur dia.
arghh. kau nampak takk masalah ak yang semakin bertimpa2.
susah doooooo
ak tak tau macam mana nak cakap.
takkan ak nak pergi depan2 korang cakap
ya kawan2 sedarlah bahawa apa yang anda buat ini dilarang oleh Allah kerana dia bertentangan dengan apa yang dianjurkan.....
nak cari pasal.
i just don't know how
sebab kalau kau nak tau, ak cakap sekali, 10 kali ak kena uji.
ak pon bercakap dengan budak2 yang berlainan jantina dengan ak. tu la.
ak pon macam bangang jugak gelak2 kuat2 tak senonoh dengan budak2 semua.
haiyh, so ak rasa, ak nak berubah! ak nak ajak semua sekali.
jom! berubah jadi lagi baik sama2.
jom la.
kesian la kat ak. tolong ak ubah jadi baikk sikit..

ak kagum dengar ada orang ni, dia boleh ubah orang dengan kasih sayang dia,
dia cakap2 apa2 pon dengan penuh kasih sayanggg
dude, ak nak jadiii macammm tu!.
arghh. dia perempuan.
bebattt sangaatttttt
ak nak jadi macam tu weyh kalau ak perempuan.
kalau ak guys,
ak nak kawen ngan orang mcam tu lahhhh!!
we share the same bright sun. the same bright moon why don't we share the same love kann
(Maher Zain)

ak ingat lagi syarat2 pertemuan yang ada ustaz pernah bagitau kat dewan.
  1. pakaian menutup aurat
  2. jangan guys gals 2 orang sahaja, kena ada mahram
  3. tempat terbuka
  4. perkara yang dibincangkan kena perkara yang bermanfaat. (jangan yang macam. emm, have u eaten dear, what did you hve for breakfast today, oh, havent eaten. wanna treat me ke? *lepas tu giggle*) tak bosan ka.
tapi jangan ambil kesempatan dengan benda ni. kau tahu ak nak cakap apa kan.

lagi satu, ak pon ada perasaan.
ak faham jugak la (ak rasa) perasaan duduk dua2 macam tu
macam sangat comell kannn?
ak faham2
it's like bahagia gila ada someone for us to rely on.
someone yang bagi kita rasa secure.
seronok la, well, rasa bahagia kan.
dude, ak rasa gak. tapi kau tak terterasa takut sikit ka diesebalik kebahagiaan tu.
kau rasa tak. kalau kau cakap tak. ak rasa kau. tipu, tak caya, kau tarik nafas, cari rasa tu yang ak rasa kau dah timbun2 kan dengan kebahagiaan kau yang konon banyak.
yes, memang rasa bahagia.
ak pernah rasa.
tapi tak lama. tak lama rasa tu sebab well, just benda rasa2 seronok macam ni tak lama.
kau tak caya?
suka hati. tapi tu ja la ak nak cakap.
lebih baik kau pergi sayang orang yang sama jantina. sayang atas dasar yang sepatutnya.

kau cakap senang kan?
kau tak rasa.
ya, susah, ak faham
tapi kena lawan lahh. jangan dok biar rasa bahagia angin2 semua tu tutup rasional kita.
think people think.
jangan biar perasaan take control over benda rasional.
ak pon dalam proses nak berubah.
susah kot. ak fahamm sangat.
tapi kena cuba.
kena jauhkan.

okay tu ja.
yang ak nak bagitau.

err, jangan tanya ak sapa
ak takkan bagitau punya.
sebab tu ak buat benda ni. sebab ak boleh cakap ak nak cakap
and wont be judge in the real world
ak nak orang tau apa ak fikir ja.
without been compared and judge.
so yeah.
kalau korang nak tau,
ini, INII
blog ni. adalah projek maal hijrah ak!

selamat datang.
ahlan wasahlan.

p/s: ak kumpul blog2 budak kmb tepi ni. sapa yang ak tak include lagi, bagitau la, nnti ak letak

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Booster Shot - Ramadhan edition.

Ramadhan is leaving. time moves, and it is v important to remember that.
recently, i'm searching for meanings in life. and these days. v difficult indeed.

just to tell you, even how far I went on searching, it brings me back to ISLAM, the way of life.
it gives me tranquillity when I needed it the most, and to remember our creator, is v soothing.
i need courage and bravery. HE gives me, when I needed it the most.

Ya Allah, the most Merciful, aid us to the right path. and make every second we live in this world with iman and taqwa, so that we'll be prepared when the day comes.

and please ya Allah, I want us - family, teachers and friends, muslimin & muslimat - to live together in Jannah, without to go though the hell fire. I beg you ya Rabb...

i really really really miss my family right now.
i must strive for victory.
it is what i hear 5 times a day.

i must not be lazy. be strong, read
yes, and have dreams. reach em'
finddunya wal akhirah

never give up
and ramadhan is still here.

so, you still have time to refresh!

yey! do it with love and understanding.
InsyaAllah. we'll make it through!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Ramadhan.

It was the first day of Ramadhannn
so, just want to wish everyone,

Ramadhan Kareem!!!!

The feelings during tarawih prayer just now was beyond words.
those calmness and tranquility I'd been searching for all this while is in front of me.
and, I feel like I have more time now.

well, time is merely our thoughts.
like one of my see-from-far-friend said.

personally, it's the barakah that counts.

have a blast Ramadhan.!!

May Our Creator lead us to the right path.
Insya Allah.

Friday, July 2, 2010

nothing important


subahanallah! the skies are beautified by awesome fluffy-cotton-candy cloud!
those are the signs for those who think and believe.

Life teaches us lots of wonderful stuffs.
see, sometimes, i feel like I need to be alone, by myself, and discover all the things that I'd done wrong.
I hate to be in a large crowd, I hate it when I mess up my life, and I really really hate it when I look silly and stupid.
I hate it when I downgraded someone, and have bad perceptions on someone.
I need to make improvements.
what's rights and what's wrong are clearly shown but it seems like I never attempt to go beyond my comfort zone,
take presentation for example. I'll try very hard to find escapism rather than to find solutions.
I'm not a good presenter and oh well, I just don't have the courage.
but, if I had to, I will. but till now, I never presented in English class.

everyone else is going ahead of me, and I could just see them moving.
I don't know... It feels bad to just stand here forever. but, oh well. since I don't dare to do so, Seems like I really have to stand here forever....

I realise something really important about life.
First of all, this life is not ours,
time is also not ours, so, don't afraid to not having enough time for improvement,
try and leave everything else to Allah.

I don't want to do stupid things again.
I love knowledge, as it feeds my mind.
but to get the knowledge is not easy.
Taqwa and istiqamah is important.

time can flow very fast if you tried very hard to control it, but have faith, and just focus on doing something one at a time. we do have more than enough time. than it'll be fine.

I'd made a mistake. I don't know, it feels wrong.
I hate it! InsyaAllah, I'll not repeat it.
Knowledge could come at any time in life,
we just need to strongly believe.

this is a mess.


I need a break, to reorganise my life.

Saturday, May 8, 2010



Smelling the fresh running downpour around this human made concrete, I pen down my says.
This few months had been a hectic one.
the days just come and go. don't have the power to stop it.

catching time is just, impossible. We always brag on how time move so fast and we don't have enough time to do what we want to do. But hey, the Almighty said, he'd provide us enough time. Each and everyone here, in this world was granted with enough time to do whatever things that need to be done.

what went wrong?
To prepare.
that's the secret of managing time.

brilliant one see how time is just enough for us.

The Chargers
وَالْعَادِيَاتِ ضَبْحًا ﴿١﴾
(1) By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath),
فَالْمُورِيَاتِ قَدْحًا ﴿٢﴾
(2) And strike sparks of fire,
فَالْمُغِيرَاتِ صُبْحًا ﴿٣﴾
(3) And push home the charge in the morning,
فَأَثَرْنَ بِهِ نَقْعًا ﴿٤﴾
(4) And raise the dust in clouds the while,
فَوَسَطْنَ بِهِ جَمْعًا ﴿٥﴾
(5) And penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;-
إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لِرَبِّهِ لَكَنُودٌ ﴿٦﴾
(6) Truly man is, to his Lord, ungrateful;
وَإِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ ذَ‌ٰلِكَ لَشَهِيدٌ ﴿٧﴾
(7) And to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds);
وَإِنَّهُ لِحُبِّ الْخَيْرِ لَشَدِيدٌ ﴿٨﴾
(8) And violent is he in his love of wealth.
۞ أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ﴿٩﴾
(9) Does he not know,- when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad
وَحُصِّلَ مَا فِي الصُّدُورِ ﴿١٠﴾
(10) And that which is (locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest-
إِنَّ رَبَّهُم بِهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَّخَبِيرٌ ﴿١١﴾
(11) That their Lord had been Well-acquainted with them, (even to) that Day.?

Steeds had been well-described in this verse. How Allah had explain it in such an amazing way.
it describes to us how important it is to make preparation - in everything we want to do, in every situation.
and when the time come, just go ahead, do not hesitate. at all!
tawakkal... have faith that the best will be given.
He will not just evaluate the end result, but instead the journey itself is evaluated.

Lately, i tried to grasp back the things that I'd let go all this while.
I can see it coming back. Bit by bit.
I hope, it will be stronger than before.

and yes,

Of strength and confidence.


p/s: emm, I miss my form 5 birthday celebration. the publicity they gave this time, well, a new exposure of the real world I shall say.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It Got Screwed Up!


Tomorrow I'll be going back to college.
Mid sem break officially ends~

Dear me, just remember to stay away from driving for this short while.

The broken side mirror cost RM 200.00++... oh man, I feel sooo guilty. Money is flowing rapidly, and that reckless act of mine add up to the sum.... I'm such a burden...
Oh, not to forget the engine starter moment as well.

No more driving for me....
At least for this few months.

I don't want to grow up...
Can I stay to be a 3 years old child for a while, please...
I miss the good old days when I'm in my childhood life.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Waking UP


This few months ware a hectic one.

I had enough break.
Now, I need to wake up, and be brave to stand for what I think is right..
As long as you know you did the right thing, don't hesitate to carry on with what you're doing.
Keep on moving!

Solve everything one by one.

Oh, did I mention before that I'm undergoing international baccalaureate diploma programme.
Maybe some of you understand what I mean.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Great Destiny


What do you think?
Is there such thing as the greatest coincidence in life?

Well, it had been a surprising week for me. Of all that had happen direct me toward a road I had not yet decide. So, maybe it's just a coincidence. Or maybe The Almighty just want to show me which turn I should take. Personally for me, I didn't really believe that something happen without reason. Everything that happen had it's own cause and consequences.

This one I can't forget.
There's one day, when I lost my handphone. I look for it everywhere but I still can't find it. Then, my mom advice me to make a nazar (a promise to do something such as fasting or donating something if your wish had been granted). And so I made one. ------
Suddenly, in less than a minute, the phone rang and it was from my 7-yrs-old-sister's school.
Guess what? They'd found my handphone.
That was surprisingly fast!

There's one Subuh prayer I can't forget. It was different. Very soothing and calming. I just had no word to describe it. the worst part is that, I can't even remember when it happen.

A series of coincidence.
1. I had been elected to be someone I, myself considered important. but the thing is that, it requires me to speak my mind. That, ppl, is my biggest weakness. All these while, I just listen and take in what others had told me, without having to further think deep into something. but now, I need to put in effort to change. of which I didn't know how.
How to turn from no one to someone. Yes, it requires effort. I know. All these while, I look up upon those who can convey something efficiently. Cause I just know I can't be one. I never can be one.
But it is a must for me now. I just can't turn my back. I had to thrust forward, using the right medium.

2. The class and the irrelevant information.... *arhhhh* I don't know. heh~ (just ignore this will you)

3. I planned to go to the playground, but then I end up listening to this talk at musolla. I still wasn't sure I really want to listen to this. But suddenly, it rains heavily. Alhamdulillah. Allah guided me to be in the right track, to make a right choice.
Of what I learned here is to think what's best for you before you do something.
and take full responsibility of it.

4. The tadabbur surah... Qaf..
Sweet. teaches me to not underestimate others. And to be brave to say or advice something that may seem wrong to your views. well, that came from the discussion actually, not the content of the surah.

One thing about learning and teaching others are that it requires us to think and feel the knowledge. To think wisely, we need to first attempt an afford to go and find the knowledge..
But most importantly, sincerity (ikhlas).
Sincere to ourselves. Sincere in learning. Sincere to others.
Have faith.

I may still think something just on the surface for now. but, I'll develop my thinking skill over time. Insya-Allah.(God's Willing)

oh, yes, I was thinking that a greatest destiny would be appropriate to replace the coincidence.
Err, if coincidence never happen, why is it that we learn probability again?? ahaa

Barangsiapa memasuki jalan menuntut ilmu, Allah akan mempermudahkan baginya jalan ke syurga.

"So, verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief" (Ash-Sharh:5-6)

That, ppl is a good motivation drive.

p/s: how our cell is working inside us right now is really amusing... woohooo... way to go cells. nice job. Alhamdullillah.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Typical dream.


I need to start all over again, or else, I'll never make any improvements. I am still who I am but now, I need to run and catch what I'd missed before. Trying something is not as easy as it looks - others make it looks so easy - but for how long can I only stand still and watch others grow. I need to make an attempt to move. Make my own decisions and consider options I had in life.
Expressing what I think and what I feel is not easy for me. I don't know. It always didn't work the way I wanted it to be.
Maybe you guys can help me in any way. I just need a little bit of courage to make my first step.
It would be wonderful to start here.
Oh, just a little bit about me.

I'm a petite girl, in my second semester doing 2 years IB diploma for the year 2009-2011.
This will be my IB journey I suppose.

Dream may be sweet but the reality is just not as sweet as it had been portrayed.

in the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.
I launched my Dream and Reality.